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question about E0


Oct 12, 2006
Rochester NY
I know the difference between E0 and E1's suspension so thats not what this is about.

I searched and couldnt find it (but i may be a lazy searcher and its late), but did they make E0 svts in the year 2000? I ask because i am going to look at a car tomorrow that is a 2000 but has the E0 wheels on it. Is it just the wheels that are from a different car or is the person confused in what year car it is:shrug:

just so it doesnt get out of hand i dont want this thread to start a comparison in the suspensions and which is better:laugh:
E0 is a CEG reference to early '98 vehicles. If the seller is correct about the model year of the car, then yes, the wheels were swapped from another SVT.
Check the year

Check the year

Check the year on the chasis. It's a bit unusual to swap out earlier 1998 wheels on a 2000 car.
Ask questions of the seller.
Not uncommon at all for E0s to be on an E1 or vice versa. Lots of people buy expensive rims, sell their stockers; then right before they sell the car, they sell their expensive rims because they had little to no tread left, and use the money to pick up any stock wheels with good tires for selling purposes.

I bought an E1 that had E0s on it, and then at the same time I bought an E0 that had E1's on it. :)
Well i wont be buying an SVT now:cry: The parents are making me buy my next car from a dealer and none around here have an svt. hopefully i can fix the contour so i wont just be another random troll:laugh:
Why MAKE you buy from a dealer? unless they give you a warranty, the car is used regardless..

used from a dealer = markup..
used from a single owner = better deal, knowing the history, etc, etc.
Don't buy from a dealer! all they do is pay next to nothing for cars at auctions then flip at AT LEAST 30% profit! Go to the auction yourself or buy from another consumer...
Yea i know i really dont want to. but i have to get a loan and my bank wont let my grandfather cosign for me because hes not a member. ill figure something out though