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what the :censored::censored::censored::censored: pennstate

Obviously someone who never had the thrill of sitting amongst 100,000 fans at Beaver Stadium on a chilly fall day watching PennState crush somebody ....

PennState, 1978-83.

You're right, its not like i went there for 4 years or had family there that took me to game, or am a 3rd generation alumni or anything.
You're right, its not like i went there for 4 years or had family there that took me to game, or am a 3rd generation alumni or anything.

You didn't have to do any of those things to enjoy the game and have fun in the stadium setting. It's a rich tradition of a storied program run by the cleanest living legend left from the old school. It's just football done right.
I'm glad you both liked that one. :laugh:

Obviously someone who never had the thrill of sitting amongst 100,000 fans at Beaver Stadium on a chilly fall day watching PennState crush somebody ....

PennState, 1978-83.

Actually, I have been to a PS game.
You were also attending school there at that time, '82-83. :)
Yes, I drove three hours on a few occasions to party at PS with some friends but only attended one game. One was enough for me.
One was enough for me.

It's not for everybody. But I knew lots of people who weren't football fans or played any sports and still had a momma-slapping-helluva good time at the games. It was being a part of something.
It's not for everybody. But I knew lots of people who weren't football fans or played any sports and still had a momma-slapping-helluva good time at the games. It was being a part of something.

Agreed. It was a cool experience, the energy in the stadium is amazing.

Clark did take the blame for the lose..

anyway, i'll be in the student section saturday to watch Indiana get demolished :laugh:

I'll watch the game if you make and hold up a big sign that says: CEG Rulz. :D