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Clunk not Fixed...:(


Apr 24, 2006
i posted in the troubleshooting area about some clunking in the front end and was told it was probably a broken CV axle joint....i replaced the axle and tie rod (because the bushing was torn) and got the car all put together and ready to drive....and its still clunking....

it used to clunk all the time because the CV joint was totally gone..and it was clearly coming from the drivers side axle....but now the clunk has moved to the center of the car and only does it at low speed when the clutch is 75% out and the wheel is turned either direction...it also loses some power for a second when the clunk happens (my dads first assumption was a clutch but i have felt a slipping clutch and it doesn't feel like it)

its driving me crazy because it sounds like its coming from the tranny (either diff or clutch)....so i am not driving it til i figure out what the prob is...

any help would be appreciated....

interested in results here... I never pin-pointed my clunking, but I'll have to see if it happens with the clutch 75% out while turning... if it does looks like you and I are in the same boat.
CSVT#49 look for a hard clunking (sounds like coming from near the tranny) from a stop (or slow speed) with the wheel turned either direction...right as the clutch is between 50-75%out... happens like clockwork...i could predict 2 seconds before it happened every time...with a loss of power (slipping??) feeling during the clunk...

if those are the symptoms you have what i have...

its driving me crazy....anyone?

does it do it when going straight as well? my car is doing the same thing i think , except it makes a clunking sound ALL the time. im replacing a cv axle tomorrow to see if that will fix any problems.. it may be your differential though
Pudmunkie (alex) looked at my car yesterday....at first he thought it probably was the differential....but then he called a friend who suggested that it could be a motor mount, trans mount or a worn part of the suspension....

fordsvt98 thats exactly what his friends said....it could be the ball joint...

if he could chime in here...but he heard the clunk and it suprised him how "violent" it is...the sound is almost painful...and the whole car moves when it does it....defintitly has potential to be doing damage when it does it...

any other ideas...i'm going to be replacing parts this weekend starting with the cheapest and working my way up...

..a friend who suggested that it could be a motor mount, trans mount ...
These two should be easy to determine. motor, you will see the inserts being flattened. trans, the trans will be almost (or) touching the subframe.
i just replaced my passenger side axle and mines still clunking as well. i am thinking it may be the support bearing that holds the right side half shaft which connects to the right axle. your support bearing could be shot as well.
Well, a ball joint would be next to the easiest to diagnose. You get to know noises in your car, and you can usually pinpoint it to this side or that side. My LCA's bushings were so bad that the bolt was actually bent. It was this mad crazy "pop" when you hit the brakes. But take a look at the bottom of the tranny driver's side if its really close to riding the frame, look into Motor Mount(s). These sounds can be so annoying, but so sweet when you finally find out what it is and fix it!
Did anyone ever figure out what this is?

Did anyone ever figure out what this is?

I am having the same exact problem. I took it to a friend who thought it might be the axle. He took the car apart and found that it was not the axle but something to do with the transmission. The part coming from the transmission to the axle was the part that was having the problem. I have been trying to sell this car and I don't think it will be worth fixing it if is the transmission. Does anyone have any ideas besides getting a rebuilt/new one?
I sent you a PM Eric. You can get a new trans. from BAT for About $900 plus shipping. Should cost you about 1k at a shop to have it installed on top of that.
Ok, so is this noise the trans? mine started doing the same. I'm going to toss it on a lift (pain in the a$$ due to it being so low) next week. I'm thinking a motor/suspension issue.
To the OP, certainly check out the bearings and mounts, but I'm thinking differential here. At $1900 for trans and R&R isn't worth the $$. Don't throw any more money away.
To the OP, certainly check out the bearings and mounts, but I'm thinking differential here. At $1900 for trans and R&R isn't worth the $$. Don't throw any more money away.

Yeah OK, I've dumped close to 10k in mine in the past 2 years and thats with me doing the labor. Thats what car guys do.
Unassailable logic

Unassailable logic

duke of sho

"Blah blah $10,000.... thats what car guys do"

your logic is unassailable.
Beautiful cars on your website, do you build them?

Love to look at them but too damn tight to spend money on them