well fun day... exhaust has been leaking for awhile now and i got a chance to get under the car today and check it out. I see that it is leaking from a weld joint, i tried to use some of the patch crap, well it doesn't like to flex, so it broke. As i was driving to try and find a solution the exhaust breaks. Luckily due to the hangers it didn't fall and hit the ground causing who knows what kind of damage. I had some crap lying around from my mustang and well, when your exhaust breaks and you don't want carbon shooting all over the bottom of the car, you add a turn down. this is by no means a permanent fix as it will annoy the hell out of me, but just till i can get enough money together to get my new exhaust welded up i have sitting in my storage unit.
the fix louder than hell...

the fix louder than hell...