Excellent advice. In previous threads, IIRC BrApple did suggest to CEGers that the A/c system be evacuated in a shop before removing the compressor or evaporator being removed and reinstalled.Before undergoing recyclation and recharging of CFC/HCFC refrigerants in your vehicle it would behoove you to look at the EPA code of federal regulations (40 CFR Part 82 Vol. 57 no. 135) dealing with the certifications required in order to perform these tasks and also the equipment by law required. If you perform any of these tasks without automotive, class 1,2,3 or universal which covers all 3 classes you could be reported to the EPA and find buku bucks and possible jail time. always best to let a certified tech perform this one.
Excellent advice. In previous threads, IIRC BrApple did suggest to CEGers that the A/c system be evacuated in a shop before removing the compressor or evaporator being removed and reinstalled.
Excellent advice. In previous threads, IIRC BrApple did suggest to CEGers that the A/c system be evacuated in a shop before removing the compressor or evaporator being removed and reinstalled.
I couldn't open the link to get to it, but I said that because my neighbor got hit with a $2,000 fine for just discharging his with out cert or equipment and my other neighbor new better and has his cert and ratted him out to the EPA. just giving reference to keep people from having to deal with stuff like that. with your case though there was nothing you could do to forsee that happening and the EPA wouldn't even mess with you. I just got my universal and automotive cert through a military program and it's a good one to have if you can afford it. They really like to charge a lot to reclaim, recycle and recharge.