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I sold these, to buy these......


New Member Classroom vulture
Sep 25, 2002
Waupun, WI
Holy crap, my plan worked!

I sold the ADR Venomous wheels because something rare popped up on craigslist here again. Last week I got a carbon fiber cowl hood off of craigslist too :crazy:

Anyway, I sold these:


And bought these minty fresh wheels for $50 more:drool:......



Never seen a winter, no bubbling chrome, hardly a scratch, tires are 50%. I am sooo happy. They will be going on the 2k SVT because I saw this pic in the black svt thread:


Oh, I can't wait to mount them on the SVT. I think it is the best upgrade for wheels for any contour. Clean, good lines, not gawdy even in chrome, just pure sexyness :drool:. These would probably look best on a T-red......

I love this style and the centerline storms, but the centerlines edges are still a little to sharp to be on a contour, and they are only polished not chrome.
Oh yeah, :blackeye: for having wheel weights on the outside:blackeye::nonono:.
Oh yeah, :blackeye: for having wheel weights on the outside:blackeye::nonono:.

Such a minor detail compared to that first set of rims that had bolt holes drilled willy-nilly 1/3rd of the way into a spoke or 2/3 sticking out of another spoke. Completely unsymetrical and very goofy looking, IMHO.
You know, those were probably some of the ugliest wheels I have seen in a long time. Definetly a downgrade even from stock in my book.....

Here is the next best thing to chrome focus svt wheels, chrome E1s :drool:
Yes, dtour actually found these on craigslist. Not even me! Thank you Dave.....

Next in line for my favorite in that style would be centerline storms:


I'm usually not a fan of chrome wheels, but all of the above are looking mighty nice.
I don't recall ever seeing the FSVTs or E1s in chrome before now.
Not bad at all.
Do want. Ever since I saw those I have wanted to pick up a set of FSVTs again to strip down.
The cool part about the ones I found is that they are the "ford racing" wheels, not just FSVTs that were stripped and chromed. The guy I bought them from said the original owner told him they had a ford racing center cap.

Does anyone know what those wheels sold for when they still offered them at ford? Looks like the standard silver FSVT wheels are $600 a set :eek:.
Lets dooo-eeet! It's about time you get motivated. You just have to clear all the crap out of the way :blackeye:.