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Is it time for SZ yet?? damn!


amusé par les flatulences
May 14, 2001
Youngstown, OH
Anyone else getting Spring Zing fever?
I have major ants in da pants!
Can't wait to see you all again, and enjoy all the laughs and surprises that always occur.
I'm also looking forward to meeting some of you that I still haven't met yet.
Not really looking forward to 14+ hours or work the day/night before, then going to school, then going to sz...man Im behind in my work.
Yeah... schedules getting a little tight for me trying to get everything done I want to get done.. waiting on parts.. etc.
I'm glad it's not time for SZ yet...there is still work to be done! :laugh: Can't wait for SZ though :cool:
Just wanted to say something real quick, I know many of you still think I am coming to SZ but in reality I am not anymore. Sorry to disappoint you all but I don't have my car anymore and there is no way I am driving my new car there. I have met you all and that really satisfied me. Im glad I have a face to put with a sn and you guys have the same with me.

You guys have fun.. :)

NECEG wont have anyone to rag on :(
This better be a grand prank you brown paki. :( Nahhh... I'll understand.

..bastige. :laugh:
Im trying to save money for the stupid random shots again. But its not working well.

Also Il try to be on time to the show and shine this year :)