there is actually 2 switches on the brake pedal. one is the stop lamp switch, which is normally open and is used for the brake lights and goes to the brake lights AND clutch pedal position switch (normally closed) and then from there the speed control module. the second is the brake pedal position switch, which is normally closed and goes straight to the speed control module. when the brake pedal is pressed the SL switch closes providing voltage to pin 4 of the speed control module, at the same time the BPP switch opens, removing voltage from pin 9. im assuming that the BPP switch is there as a back up to kill the speed control in case you push the clutch at the same time as the brake, which would keep voltage from getting to pin 4 (no voltage at either pin and it kills the speed control?). now, it seems like what must be happening is when you turn on the parking lamps the voltage is going through the LED bulbs, and finding its way to the cruise module, thus killing the speed control. I would say you have either some bad LED bulbs or a bad ground for one or both of the taillights.