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More snow?


Dec 23, 2000
Aren't you guys getting tired of that now?
Lol...well, me personally, I like the snow...the Aviator LOVES it! But, there comes a time (like Spring) when I'm ready for the warmth. Really, my favorite time is Spring and Fall because I love the changing of the seasons! 60's and 70's, as far as temperature, is perfect for me. As far as the snow, here in Palmyra we got a dusting, but it was definitely cold. Up North, in Pa, I saw on the News they got a good amount, though.
I love one good snowfall and then, it can go away.
You're right, spring and fall are the perfect temperature.
A dusting isn't bad, just more of a nuisance. I've been checking the weather up there and, thankfully, those bitter cold temps are a thing of the past.
LOL! I don't really have a lot of mosquitos where I am. My friend on the East coast, she lives near the Inter-coastal Waterway, she's got them and bad.
It the snowbirds that are a PITA. They should all be gone soon, many have already left. YAY! They are the mean people.
I know, they all flock to their cottages on Lake Winola (about ~2 miles from my house) and slow traffic to a crawl on our beautiful curvy country roads.
Yep, I know what you guys are talking about.
There are some major traffic jams south of me from the snowbirds. Here, we do see an increase in traffic but not as bad as in the bigger cities. You certainly can tell when they're gone though!
At least now it's starting to warm up up there! Here, I've been going in the pool since March. It's been in the 90's lately. ;)
Yeah, but we have them spring, summer, AND fall. In addition the leafers, yes, the leaves are different colors, congraulations on figuring that out and photographing it, now stop parking on my property like it's public land!