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Sequential Taillights


Mar 31, 2007
Flat Rock Mi
Just wondering if anyone has ever tried this on their 'tour. It might not even look good or be possible to do but thought it might be something a little different and figured I would get some feedback on it. Also has anyone done the hightower mod using their body color? I've done this on my other vehicle but I am not sure if it would look good on the 'tour. If I do the mod though I'm thinking of going this route. Any thoughts comments or ideas?
Just wondering if anyone has ever tried this on their 'tour. It might not even look good or be possible to do but thought it might be something a little different and figured I would get some feedback on it. Also has anyone done the hightower mod using their body color? I've done this on my other vehicle but I am not sure if it would look good on the 'tour. If I do the mod though I'm thinking of going this route. Any thoughts comments or ideas?

How do you plan on this sequential mod? Don't you need more than one taillight bulb? Yes people have used body color hightowers
Sequential. You mean like having the separate signal light and brake light bulbs? I've pondered that idea before and I think it would be an interesting mod to do.
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I think by sequential he means led style taillights that have a light pattern that moves from the left to the right sequentially. It's a pretty cool idea, I've liked those and if you can figure out how to do it I'd be down to buy a set. I personally would leave the actual brake lights alone but make the turn signals start from the inner part of the light (closest to trunk) and make them move to the outside of the car as if they were pointing to which direction you were turning.
How do you propose to do this on a contour that has only one tailight on each side..

Sometimes i wonder if people even think before they hit the "Post" button
Doesn't mean its a bad idea just because we have one bulb.... How bout that huge reflector we have on the post 98 cars??? That needs LED bulbs if you ask me ;) If someone rigged that up it would look nice.
I was thinking that IF I can do this it would start some where in the middle of the reflector part wand end at the actual corner light. I have a friend who is a wiz with electronics so I think I'm going to have to get ahold of him to work out the details on the delay.
It is a good idea, but I don't think it would work out very smoothly- It would definetly take some time to perfect. I know my buddy had it done on his Cobra with the three different sections, and that looked pretty good
Yeah it'd be cool if we could use the same setup as the Linkcoln Mark 8's do... they use some kind of gas burning light/neon in their trunk reflectors :shrug:

Only pic i could find...

Here's a short video of the light/brake light's on them:
It'd be fairly easy to build sequential circuit boards that would take the stock relay signal and cascade it to as many bulbs that you need, you'd just have to figure in the differences in impedances, simply put drop the power to accommodate 1 led/bulb instead of just the bulb, this would require a lot of extra wiring but if it were to happen the easiest way I can think of to keep as much of the original hardware and seperate each LED from the tree that is already there would be to isolate each LED by dremeling between them to sever the series connection, then drill a small hole into the positive and negative plates on the board for each LED, half of which would feed into the left turn signal relay via the respective sequential circuit board and v/v. I'll start working on generic blue prints for this but I will not be able to obtain the impedance info for the LEDS or bulb do to my location but if somebody could get that it shouldn't be to hard to plug in the info.