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LOL i was. I get up at 8:45 when and I have to be to work at 9am

Living 4.1 miles from work is amazing

i hate him too.

nah, Steeda is right (did I really just type that?) we didn't get much down here in Westland. I just hope its a few weeks before we get anymore, since I'm still driving the cobra with completely worn out performance tires until my contour gets bolted back together.
Had about 1" on the car this a.m. with awesome summer tires. I'm not too worried just yet though. I'll get worried in a few more weeks. We usually don't get anything measurable till Dec. 1
I need new rims and tires so i can roll this silver POS out of my garage and put my car in there
Dude seriously just becuase you and aliasjerk play shoot the toast with each other doesn't mean everyone else on CEG isn't to DUDE ON DUDE action like you 2.

leave me out of your twisted fantasy's