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ST220 Lightened Flywheel & Clutch Information needed


New CEG'er
Sep 28, 2009
Hi all,

I'm in the UK and currently own a Mondeo ST220 (3.0 litre Duratec engine), which has the (6 speed) MMT6 gearbox.

I'm looking to fit an LSD, uprated clutch and a lightened flywheel. I've found a Quaife LSD, the clutch, I could probably stick to OEM if an uprated one isn't found.

However, I can't find a lightened flywheel anywhere in the UK, so I thought I'd try in this forum. The current Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF) is very heavy and is very prone to failure, so I'd like a lightened steel or aluminium one. I believe Fidanza do one, but there's none listed for my car.

1.) Has anyone here fitted a lightened flywheel on their 3.0 setups or knows of where I could get one?

2.) How much difference did it make to the driveability?

3.) Which clutch would be recommended and where can I purchase one from?

We don't have the 6 speed trans in the states.

Yeah, that's the problem. There's loads of stuff available everywhere for the MTX75 box, but not much for the 6 speed MMT6 box anywhere it seems. Strange, as this box is also used in the Noble sports car and a few others.

Some people on the UK forums have suggested that the flywheel is the same as the the 2.5 Contour SVT, but I need to know for sure.
have you tried contacting ray@ultrarev.com He supplied the cheap fidanzas. If anyone knows where to get one, i imagine he would be the man to ask .. good luck ...G.
The U.S 3liter v6 Mazda 6 uses the MMT tranny. You can pick up a Clutchmaster ,Fidanza or exedy flywheel and clutch if you need it at ultrarev.
The U.S 3liter v6 Mazda 6 uses the MMT tranny. You can pick up a Clutchmaster ,Fidanza or exedy flywheel and clutch if you need it at ultrarev.

Thanks, that's really helpful. The Mazda 6 also uses the same Duratec 3l engine, so any clutch/flywheel parts will be identical.

Now I have a few options to play with now.:cool::cool:
Does anyone know 100% for sure, which Fidanza flywheel will fit the MMT6???
because on stdrivers.co.uk a guy named hector told me, that the #186111 will
not fit! That's the flywheel, that fits the Mazda V6s with the MMT6 (it doesn't fit to the starter)
But also said the 'usual' #186251 will actually fit.
That is why I ordered that one but have look:
The old DMF is thick and the new Fidanza is thin:
Hi jonijones,

Haven't been on here for years lol.

Firstly, have a look at this thread for more info:-


Basically, the right Fidanza flywheel one for the 6 speed ST220 is the 186251 (5 speed flywheel). Then, to get it to fit, you need to a clutch slave cylinder off an ST24 as the normal ST220 one is too small.

In the end I got one from these guys:- http://www.ttvracing.com/FordSTrangeflywheel.html

You can't buy direct from TTV, so I got a company called MRD (MASS RACING DEVELOPMENTS to get it for me:- http://www.massracingdevelopments.co.uk

The flywheel is 9lb in weight - exactly the same as the Fidanza one. It's made of billet steel, whereas the Fidanza one is aluminium, but unless you're going racing, the steel one should be fine.

The advantages of doing it this way was that it uses the standard ST220 clutch slave cylinder and clutch. However, MRD made a specially made spring plated clutch for my ST220 as they advised that the standard one may be too noisy at idle (due to the absence of the heavy DMF).

If you call MRD and speak to Chris Conoley who is a top bloke, he can give you some great advice, having already gone through this before with my car.

I've had the lightened flywheel on my car for 2 years and absolutely love it. I also got a Quaife LSD fitted at the same time and that really transforms the drive of the car.

Hope that helps.
Hi Foxyy at first, thank you for your elaborate answer :) I searched your link and the link behind it (http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&t=776106&mid=35187) and foung out, that the LUK number for the Slave cylinder you suggest is 510 0007 10 Thats the same as for every MTX75-5-speed-Mondeo in Europe. So if i want to go for Fidanza I basically have to buy a MTX75 Clutch kit, is that right? Funny thing! Sad thing is, I already got my MMT6 clutch kit :-( with slave cylinder.
OK, correction - the ST24 part number is 510 0007 10
The ST220 5-speed part number is 510 0001 10
So they're not all the same :)
Hi again.

I think you may well need the MTX75 clutch kit. But I'm not 100% sure. I asked the Noble experts, but no one seemed to be able to give a definitive answer.

Thats's why I went for the solution that I ended up with, as the Fidanza flywheel/clutch/slave option was too hit and miss. I know of people who have tried the Fidanza option but have ended up buying more bits than they need or the wrong bits.

With the flywheel I used, I could have used the standard MMT6 clutch and clutch slave cylinder. The only 'mod' was the spring plated clutch, which is standard size, so when it needs replacing, if I want to, I can just go to Ford and get a standard one without hassle.
Hi again,

I've bought a LUK 510 0007 10 slave cylinder and it doesn't fit.
No chance.
Here's why:

Here is a comparison of the LUK #510 0007 10 (ST24-5-spd) with the raplacement part #510 0125 10 (ST220-5-spd)


and compared to the #510 0001 10 (ST220-5-spd) since it obviously won't fit as well.


So I guess I'll just install the original slave-cylinder and hope that it'll work.