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The Progress Thread for the Cooler Zetec


Addicted CEG'er
Dec 1, 2007
Colchester, CT
Haha, j/k Ian:laugh:

I'm going to stop making millions of threads for my whoring, and use this one from now on....

On to the pics. I want to submit some for the calendar. These were taen about 2 mins from my house...









And look what showed up in the back of Rouar's car last night!!!!

BATs to match on the way!
well if zorrex calls his car the great grape maybe you can call your the great tomato or something like that ... but it should use tomato in it :laugh:
well if zorrex calls his car the great grape maybe you can call your the great tomato or something like that ... but it should use tomato in it :laugh:

Hahaha, look at zorrex's visitor messages.... You'll see my other nickname for it. See anything calendar worthy?
Nice work, dude. But, I don't think the shots are quite calendar worthy. The closest I can say is #5, but, the colors are too washed out, the image not quite sharp enough. It's well- framed, though.
you clearly forgot about Hectors or my Zetecs when naming this thread :p:laugh::laugh:

edit: i need to stop looking at these pics. makes me want my Zetec back :cry:
Unfortunately, I think you need a better camera. I like the 4th one, but a better camera would make it a solid contender.
Unfortunately, I think you need a better camera. I like the 4th one, but a better camera would make it a solid contender.
Ya, it's only a 6.1 meg EasyShare:nonono:

Once I get my own, I'll start taking better pics.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! Keep 'em coming.:cool:
I need to get some new pics of my ride, I have my sweet winter wheels coming in a couple of days (if the guy stops be a flake! :mad: ) nobody has ever put these on a tour :D
On to the pics. I want to submit some for the calendar. These were taen about 2 mins from my house...
Try taking them closer to sunrise or sunset. Even an overcast day would be better. Bright sunlight makes it very difficult to get good pictures. You have harsh light on the car and awkward shadows all over the place. The sky is overexposed and the colors look washed out.

And when you are taking pictures during the day, make sure the sun is always behind you (be careful of your own shadows) :) Notice how dark the car looks in the pictures where you're taking them into the sun (number 2 and 8)?