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transmission problems


Nov 24, 2009
So I have a automatic 98 contour gl base model I have a little over 107,000 miles on it and now my transmission goes out it starts to shake transmission either feels like its slipping or not catching on the gears, I dont know then my airbag and O/D lights start to flash.

Does anybody know what it could be?
Does anybody in the VA area know where i can get a transmission and get it replaced for a low price?!

any info will be greatly appreciated.
your transmission should NOT be going out with only 107k miles unless there has been a problem that was never fixed.

O/D light flashing means that there is a sensor or solenoid issue. Check your codes with a scan tool and go from there. As for the airbag light, that may be another unrelated problem

Please describe the issue more, does it go into all 4 gears; only 1st and 2nd? I would first suspect the Range sensor (also called neutral safety switch or manual lever position switch), It tells the PCM what position your shifter is in. A common symptom for that sensor is gear slippage and random shifting
i checked the tranny dipstick and its a brown-ish color and does not smell burnt at all. so i went to a junkyard and got a tranny and decided to switch it out. hopefully it will work this time around.
Gee, I sure hope you don't change motors when all you need are spark plugs. You really have not established a need to change the trans yet at all.

'i checked the tranny dipstick and its a brown-ish color and does not smell burnt at all. so i went to a junkyard and got a tranny'...........

No logic stream there at all to arrive at that decision. Plum goofy, if you ask me. Airbag and OD lights tripping together could be some sort of electrical problem, which if shorting out motor power could easily be the shaking.

Why not just get rid of the car? That'd fix it for sure.................

You should know that many of these cars go down permanently because of trans problems. Meaning that the odds are high of getting a yard trans that is in worse shape than yours.

They spend a thousand dollars on a computer system that will tell you what's wrong with the car and people still make very uneducated guesses as to what's wrong. Chee.
you kno if i ask for some asshole to critisize me then i would of asked amc49. I wasent lookin for a ••••• on here amc49 i was lookin for some advice.
'You really have not established a need to change the trans yet at all.'

'No logic stream there at all to arrive at that decision.'

'You should know that many of these cars go down permanently because of trans problems. Meaning that the odds are high of getting a yard trans that is in worse shape than yours.'

All WERE pieces of advice.

Dude, if I thought someone was about to waste a lot of cash on replacing something which might not even be broken, I'd call him out. Now if you are determined to just insist on what you are about to do with no more careful thought than what you've already displayed, then by all means do it. There are plenty of places out there that will rip you in a minute with the knowledge you display and you have not a clue how they will be doing it. I watch young people like you come into my store and spend hundreds of dollars uselessly every day on things they have managed to convince themselves are bad on the car. Things that I could figure out were not the trouble when I was like 12 years old. Then they come back in a few days asking for money back after parts are installed and problem still there. I generally try to steer them toward a practical solution early on, but testosterone output like you just displayed gets in the way and bad choice made. Needless to say, they do not get their money back. I daresay, neither will you. Tread carefully here................that's more advice, if you can figure it out.

Hint. The last time some 'namebrand' tranny shop told me I needed a new trans, I fixed it for the price of a 40 cent washer, trans lasted for 10 more years.
u kno?! u talk alot..just like a •••••. and second of all u should kno how old or young a person is before you try to make fun of ther age asshole because i don't think you would know how old I am and you probably wouldnt guess close even if you tried.
The age you act has much more impact on your future than the age you truly are.

I'll stop now, it's obvious you have more on your plate than you can handle, regardless of what that age might be.

Good luck.
AMC49, you can lead an ass to water, but.......

Joerussia, how is your attitude helping you find information on your transmission?

Stand back for blast now Andres.