:help: There is a Chumpcar race I will be attending at Watkins Glen on May 23, 24 and 25. Chumpcar conducts endurance road races. We will be transporting our 1998.5 Contour SE from SC to NY for the race. The car technically has an SVT engine. I have a full replacement engine and tranny sitting in the garage but due to space limitations won't be able to bring it. I am looking to line up some local mechanical talent/resources just in case we have problems. The format for the races is 6 hours Fri, 8 hours Sat and another 6 hour race Sun. The benefit of this format vs a single 16 hour or 24 hour race is that if we have mechanical issues we have the night to work on repairs and then still go racing the next day. I've got drivers all lined up but our most mechanically inclined driver will not be coming with us. I'm the car owner and team captain, and can do some parts swapping, but I'm slow and really not that knowledgeable regarding diagnostic work. So I'm just reaching out to the community to collect some names and numbers of people who might be willing to help us in a catastrophic situation. Maybe you're good mechanically and can be on our call list, maybe you know a good mechanic in the area, maybe you know the best pull a part yard in the vicinity, maybe you've got a garage full of old spare Contour parts, maybe you know a friend with a garage or lift that could help, etc... We'll be a long way from home and hope the car runs perfect all weekend, but I'm a realist and expect something may go wrong and just like to have backup plans. Of course anyone is welcome to come out to the track and observe the race. (They'll get you for a few bucks at the gate) Heck you could even probably hang around the paddock with us. Feel free to post here or send a PM. Thanks.