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Yo !

Just got back from dinner with Brian.

I had so much fun playing in the slush today with the SVT. :D My car is filthy but I had fun, so it's worth it.

I liked the snows in the slush. On the packed ice that is on the majority of my street, I would have to say it is about equal to the Conti's. Both handled well.
The Conti's handled very well in the slush also but these seemed to take it better.

At this point I would still give the Conti's an A and the snows and A+. With the Conti's I would drive in snow (not mixed with ice) and on the packed ice (my street rarely sees salt) and that's what I want to compare.
I'm thinking we all need to invade Raleigh, NC about now.
If Sal is out on the bike it's got to be warmer there than it is here. Road trip!

Looks like we are getting some more snow tonight. Just a clipper system, nothing big.

Good luck Ian!
I took my dog to the vet today so she can get speyd. :( I feel bad, but I know its for the best.

It is for the best. Extra treats are in order. :)
What kind of dog do you have?
He aims to please. :)
We can't seem to keep these threads on track for long now, can we? :D
Been there - done that :( . ...

first thought to my mind was, how in the hell was he speyed? :crazy:

I'm waiting for tomororw to get the Cavalier from the garage. Stupid #$%*ing heater core! Damn chevy and there plastics (yes the heatercore tube was plastic, so it cracked in the cold).

But on the bright side I might go drive it into the woods tomorrow! hahaha

Oh and my Contour is a very very dirty *******. I'm probably going to hit it with hot water tomorrow. and hope the doors don't freeze.
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Her name is Daisy, she is Beagle/Pug mix. A cute dog with almost all of the Beagle mannerisms. Take a look, don't mind the fat guy. ;)

2 months old

still 2 months

Walking in a local park, well if you call her pulling at the leash as hard as she does.

Howling on top of the couch!

She thinks she is a cat!

Graduation day at PetSmart!

The rest of her pictures. :) http://www.fototime.com/inv/F62C9EC99F6857A

So far, she is resting...pretty much in slow motion. I know she'll get better as the night wears on. She starts her drugs tomorrow and will keep on wearing her lamp shade for 10 days.
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