I hate stickies myself. I have previously stated and still wish that all information was consolidated into sections on the main site, rather than being scattered through forums and also the main pages. For example, the five or so stickies in the Aesthetics forum could be instead moved here, and four in Duratec Performance be moved here. Much simpler and less forum space taken (a single sticky could be placed directing people to the page), and could be modified as new information is revealed and verified, without having to sift through many posts like "well I tried this and it worked but this works better even though I haven't tried it," etc. Plus everything is in one place on the CEG. I myself look to the main site for regular information, I don't browse every forum and half the time forget certain ones exist (Duratec Performance for example!).

The allowance of new moderators has been discussed time and time again, and many CEGers (myself included) have expressed desires to become one. Dramatic changes have not been made and I don't imagine will be planned. The CEG administrators, while not on 24/7, are on enough to maintain the site properly and it is up to them to "induct" new moderators as needed.

If you have issues with particular old threads or fights that are not locked, there is the "report post to mod" button at the end of each post you can easily click, or to provide reason simply PM a moderator you know is on regularly like Perry or Rara.

Regional forums have regional moderators, such as Baco99 and FrenchblueC2 for NECEG. If you have gripes with regional forum topics, you have to take it up with your regional moderator; the admins don't always look in there.

Last edited by 98 SE; 09/28/04 04:28 AM.