Originally posted by HITMANinMI:

Secondly there are many HowTos that people have created that have never been made sticky. There was one in Zetec forums, for replacing the timing belt showed tons of photos, detailed instructions, that thread is long gone. If someone asks about repalcing it, someone always says "search" how about it be made sticky so they dont ask about it?
I know there are many more that people have created How Tos that were really nice but they to are gone and you have to search to find it, it seems once a week I have to repost mine for flushing p/s fluid.

When , and if the site administrators decide a How To should be formalized, it will be. It will also be formatted and placed in the How To section of this website. Until such time, the search feature works extremely well, it's fast and easy. For all but the most immuture or ignorant that is.

Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty