Well, the obvious problems regarding these "solutions" you offer are,

Stickying every "important" thread will only lead to a front page filled up with stickies

Not to mention people like to reply to the how-to threads and cause a bunch of clutter.

Trapps is right, how to's will be organised and put in the how to section when possible.

This isn't a commercial website...nobody is paid for the work they do. All the mods have jobs and, believe it or not, lives they need to tend to first. If you can't handle that, tough titty.

Nobody is letting this site go to "crap." This site, is THE most organised, and patrolled car website I have EVER seen. Take a look around homeboy, and tell me different.

It's people like you who give young people on this site a bad rep. I've been hanging around here since I was 18-19 years old...coming up on 4 years now actually. Yeah, i've had a few brushes with authority here and there, but not to the extent of yourself and others thathave come here. One thing you need to realise is, this isn't a democracy - This is lance's site. What he and the people he entrusts to moderate this site GOES. End of discussion.

And as far as the Airknight thread...man just zip it. Does is really kill you to have it stickied?? Even if you didn't know him, have some damn respect! Regardless of who likes him and who doesn't, he was a good kid and his death was a tragic loss to this community. Even with Ray, I didn't know him at all, in fact, he passed right after I signed up here ( I remember reading the thread...a family member posted IIRC). But, i've read alot of what he posted here and learned alot from it, and I know what he did for everyone here. To speak like that of him would certainly get you banned.

you tread on thin ice here already, I think you should learn to keep your mouth shut...

1999 Silver Frost SVT #609 of 2760 Quaife, lightened SVT Flywheel, SPEC stage II clutch, removed resonator, k&n drop in - various other goodies too.