Originally posted by N-terst8:
Before I read all of this... I'm going to put my opinion in.

I am a christian... and by that I believe being homosexual or performing in homosexual acts is wrong. Again this is *MY* belief and I have the right to say this. But then again, I believe in the constitution and I feel putting a ban on this ruins a person's right to "pursue happiness". As a christian, you are supposed to stand up for your beliefs, which I am doing. But I am also saying that I would not go up to someone and say eeeww... your gay! I would keep to myself. Not only that, I believe I am standing up for my beliefs by saying it is wrong... but as a United States citizen I believe you have the right to do what you wish as long as it doesn't ruin the rights of another United States citizen. All I am saying is it is ok to state your beliefs that it is wrong, just as I do. But don't put a ban on people that wish to do the wrong, if they are religous in any way they no the consequences of being homosexual and are willing to accept them.


Go Steve!