We've been down this road on CEG many times and I don't really have the time to regurgitate everything I've said before but just a few things:

Those who keep saying the term "marriage" applies to a union of man and woman in a religious sense: How many people do you know today that are married but were NOT married in a church and have no religious affiliation? I know LOTS. Do you call them "civily unioned" or some garbage like that? No you call them MARRIED. That's just a BS excuse for people who want to prevent gays from being married.
As far as tradition and all that...look around you marriage has already changed a lot. We went from a time when marriages were ARRANGED (yeah that's real sacred) to a time where essentially no one could marry outside their race or religion, no one lived together or had sex BEFORE marriage, to today. Today, where people get married and divorced on a whim. Today, where there's more than a handful of TV "reality" shows making a circus of marriage. Today, where nearly every state has a no fault divorce law. And people have the audacity to talk about the SANCTITY of marriage? Please. What marriage and family is has drastically changed or the years (like it or not) and will continue to do so.
There was a time when the majority said it was ok to burn witches and heretics at the stake because they were the work of the devil. There was a time when the majority said that women shouldn't be allowed to vote. There was a time when the majority was for laws that discriminated against blacks...did that make the MAJORITY right back then? While this is not exactly the same issue the point is still there...it's discrimination pure and simple and all of the cover up bs excuses and religious jargon will not change that.

Formerly known as Sneaku I MISS MY BABY!!! '00 Blk CSVT #1087/2150 built 12/23/99