Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by Fat Mike:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
polygamy has already been an issue, before, this will open door for it agian.

and yes i'm sure my concerns cloud the issue, that's what people vote with is their concerns.

Will you show me some research or sources that support your argument that gay marriage will "open the doors for polygamy"? You're the first person I've encountered who has tried to use that as an argument. Please, enlighten me.

Research? NOpe , jsut think about it.

Yeah, I have, I'm waiting for you to actually think about it. Polygomy has been going on since the beginning of human culture: source

Gay marriage has absolutely nothing to do with polygamy. Trying to use that as an argument against it is a weak cop out for not having any other solid argument against it. And Kremit, just a couple weeks ago you posted this:


My fiffy cent: I don't think what we FEEL is right or wrong should be forced on others. I don't think gays should marry. Heck, I don't think ppl should be gay. But that's what i think, it's not for me to force onto others. Also, I believe in God and believe it's up to Him, ultimately, to decide what is right and wrong. No need to have it in written law, the day comes for each of us in which we must come before the Lord,,, let the judgement be then.

Something bad happen to you lately, buddy? Why such a change of heart in such a short time?


There will be no research, we've never been through this situation in the past.. But once you show people that you will give in, others will come and try to do the same with other things. I don't think kermits idea of a threesome trying to get married is far off. I don't think marriage should be redefined. I have no problem with gay people but if they want to be legally recognized it should not be marriage. If the majority of people don't want to redefine the term marriage then why the hell should we?! That would directly affect all of us, not just gay people. Call it a Civil Union? Sure i'm fine with that. It just seems like people are fighting so hard to redefine marriage but for what reason? Why not just focus to get a "civil union" and not piss the rest of the world off.

Once again, Polygamy is nothing new. It is not the issue at hand right now, and has nothing do to with gay marriage. And actually, a majority of the people DID decide to redefine marriage in our constitution by passing this measure. People for gay marriage didn't want to change the constitution in the first place to define marriage - they just wanted the chance to at least leave the topic open for debate.

Civil unions do not provide the same protection as marriage. Civil unions do not even exist for gays and lesbians, at least in Oregon. With the passing of this measure, we have no assurance that the legislature will even pass anything setting up civil unions. This measure is discrimination. It has plain and simply taken away rights from people of different sexual orientation. And I'm sure the second they would try to introduce civil unions for gays and lesbians, the same people opposed to gay marriage would get upset and do anything in their power to prevent them from achieving any sort of rights.

Gay marriage only effects gay people who wish to marry each other. It doesn't change any aspect of your life. Why is letting them have rights and freedom so far out of the question? Who the hell are we to decide what's best for their personal lives?

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