Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by CHF_Slapaho:
Kremit... if you and your family do not participate in the "weird things" then what impact does that have on you? None. I have my opinions too, I don't find same-sex relationships appealing to me personally, but I'm not about to deny someone else their rights because I find it funny. I find white people acting like black people funny, and although I make fun of them internally, I don't stop them from acting like that.

Oo my family doesn't kill people so what impact does murder have on me. We're not rapist. We don't rob people. And where am I stopping a gay person from being gay, no where.

Ok. Let's ban EVERYTHING. Let's not leave people the ability to do ANYTHING legally. Let's just toss Freedom of Religion in the canister. If you don't believe in the majority religion, you don't have rights to your beliefs.

If you are going to equate gay marriage to MURDER, you needs your bolts checked.

98.5 Contour SVT "Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country" --US President George W Bush