Originally posted by RTStabler51:
SOME of it has meaning, but most of this is back and forth debating.

Those states voted to not allow gay marriage. To those states the MAJORITY of the people do not believe in it. Thats the way the system is, and thats the way the system has worked for over 200+ years. It may eventually change, it may not.

Just in another thread where I complained about EC, people were saying it was needed to avoid tyranny of majority.

These same people also are quite adamant in keeping the Constitution as-it-is. And are certainly quite aware of the importance of rights that no majority can take away.

Somehow, when it comes to gay marriage they however dismiss any possibility of a constitutional right to get married and the people are quick to use THEIR tyranny of majority to CHANGE the Constitution.

Quite frankly, if I was gay, I would claim my sexuality to be part of my religion and therefore force it to be included as a religious right.

I believe that banning gay marriage is direct gender discrimination and is therefore unconstitutional. But this I understand is hard for many to believe.

hmm. I have almost 666 posts. Eeexcellent....

Last edited by daenku32; 11/04/04 04:25 PM.

98.5 Contour SVT "Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country" --US President George W Bush