I'm saying that the problem with these "studies" on whether being gay is a result of upbringing vs predestination is that there are way too many variables.

I'm a firm beleiver that 95% of the reason a person is who they are is because of the way they were raised. Just because they were raised in a catholic household with picket fense and good solid income doesn't mean daddy wasn't molesting johny all his young life, or it doesn't mean that mommy didn't wish she had a daughter and dressed her son up in girls clothes behind closed doors, or if johnny spent most of his teenage years watching mom get dressed and shopping with mom and cooking with mom etc. There's so many factors that such studies, whether for gays being "born that way" or based on upbringing that any conclusions can be debated in themselves, let alone base the debate of whether they should be allowed to marry or not on them.

The laws of nature themselves contradict homosexuality. How does it even fit into the evolution theory (I beleive in creation)? I simply doubt that its something people are "born with" and it has more to do with the way they grew into adulthood. I'm not saying they consciously "choose" to be gay, in fact I think that in their mind, its probably normal to them, but unfortunately it was a series of unhealthy experiences that left them with that notion.