Originally posted by neelnug:
People are scared about what they don't understand. They hide behind things (bible) or use them as crutches (religion) to protect themselves from the unknown or things that they cannot understand. Its human nature.

As for being a gateway for further changes... thats America...
I welcome open thinking and questioning of our current policy and ideas. Because of this women can vote, segregation is illegal etc. How is this different. If this were 50 years ago we would be talking about minorities rights. Wake up people, you cannot stop reality you cannot stop change.

Here we go again....

If you practice your faith, you can't think for yourself, hide behind your religion, and need a crutch to lean on because you are too weak.

That argument is stale. It was never accurate and grows more ridiculous every time it is posted.

95 Contour SE ATX V6- SOLD 2001.5 VW Passat GLX V6 Tiptronic 2004 Honda VTX 1800N1 There are no stupid questions. There are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.