Originally posted by Freakshow:
Originally posted by Red92784:
They also dont need to de-moralise the term marrage. Call it something else if you must, but its not marrage. Marrage is a beautiful and honerable thing, weather religious or not it defines a loving relationship between a man and a women. THEY ALREADY STOLE THE RAINBOW!!! THEY CANT HAVE THE WORD MARRAGE TOO!!!

Fisrt of all, if marriage is so sacred to you please at least learn to spell it correctly.

Seriously though, the term marriage has already be demoralized to a degree and it has nothing to do with homosexuality. It has to do with hypocrite people who claim marriage is so sacred yet get divorced at a rate of (IIRC) no over 50% in the U.S. I've already covered this countless times; no fault divorce laws, media cirucising of marriage for ratings, etc. Homosexuals are not the ones who have demoralized or lessened the term marriage; it's the good "old fashioned" hetros that are doing a dandy job of that already.

Eh, what the hell, marriage is going the way of the dodo, so why not take one last shot and kill it entirely?

Did I get your reasoning correct?

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