Originally posted by Freakshow:
Originally posted by Sandman333:
Originally posted by neelnug:
Originally posted by contourGL1996:
Originally posted by Fat Mike:
[begin rant]

I saw two of my gay friends break down in tears last night when they found out measure 36 passed, adding discrimination to our state's constitution. Not a single freaking state rejected these measures. I'm sure God is pleased that all his loving followers have worked so hard to keep our families, children and marriages safe from those dirty queers...

I swear, everytime I see some SUV with a Jesus fish on one side and a "one man, one woman" sticker on the other, I get so damn disgusted. Some middle-aged seacow who has never met a homosexual person in her life thinks it's their Christian duty to prevent "those sick gay people" from trying to have any sort of freedoms or rights. Meanwhile they continue to instruct all their followers about how treating gay people like actual human beings is a sin. It's probably only because gay people can't produce more soldiers for God's army. And only straight marriages can be pure and holy - even while daddy is banging the secretary, mommy is popping valuum and your daughter keeps getting felt up by the youth leader. But at least queers can't marry now because everyone knows they're the ones with the real problems.

Will people ever f*cking realize that they shouldn't try to decide what people can do in their personal lives, and that they shouldn't worry about it because it doesn't effect them?

[end rant]

Sorry, had to vent.

I agree 100%

Well put. This is the saddest thread I have ever read at CEG. It truely shows the close mindedness and stupidity of the U.S. right now. It just blows me away. I guess growing up in close proximity to large cities has opened my mind to reality. I will not allow a book to dictate my beliefs or a guy in a robe to tell me whats best for my family. As I will not let either of these control my government.

My question is... is marriage a legal term or religious term?

Why is it that those who attempt to take a moral stance based on religious teachings are automatically characterized as not being capable of thinking for themselves? It's not possible that we considered the alternatives and came to a rational conclusion on our own. You base this on what, the end result that our opinions differ from yours?

I think some of it stems from the fact that MANY religious people do in fact attempt to force their beliefs and the bible's morals on others because in their eyes it is righteous to do "god's" work. The problem is these are usually the biggest hypocrites concerning religion because they totally disregard jesus' teachings of tolerance and forgiveness. Many religious people are close minded to anything that exists outside the realm of what their bible tells them. Obviously this is not all religious people but there are many extremists out there that give organized religion a bad name IMO.

Now I know you're going to fire back about homosexuals forcing their views on you so before you waste your time: No homosexual is asking you to TRY or BECOME homosexual. They are simply asking for equal rights under the law so that "they're forcing their lifestyle on me" arguement really doesn't work. Trust me, I was once on your side of this issue until I really objectively researched and thoght about the issue and I was forced to change my stance...and please spare me the Kerry flip flop jokes.

No, actually, i wasn't going to come back with anything. I just think it is very childish to say that someone who stands up for their morals and values, when based on religious teachings, can be nothing other than a puppet. It's a cop out when you (not you personally, freak) have no defense.

95 Contour SE ATX V6- SOLD 2001.5 VW Passat GLX V6 Tiptronic 2004 Honda VTX 1800N1 There are no stupid questions. There are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.