Originally posted by Sandman333:
Question, and to no one in particular:

What do gay couples call each other within their relationship? Certainly, it's not Husband and Wife. They don't use those terms (to my knowledge), because they would be silly to use in that type of situation. Which is which? They don't fit. And neither does the term "marriage" for a homosexual relationship.

Partner is the term I use

I have called my partner "wife" in order for people to understand the seriousness of the relationship & I don't think it's silly...we've been together longer than most of the heteros w/ spouses that I work w/(including the ones that were previously married & divorced during that time)...& I'm the youngest there @ 34 years old.

I use the term "girlfriend"...but it sounds like we haven't known each other for that long & doesn't project our commitment IMO. The word "lover" will never come out of my mouth, sounds like it's only sex

I don't believe I would jump on the gay marriage bandwagon...but I am a supporter. We both have well paying jobs, benefits & wills...I see no need for marriage, at least at this point, for us. There are many others out there that could benefit from this much more though.

And to reply to a previous post about women wanting to to look like men...
I am a fem & so is my girlfriend...if I wanted to be with a man I would be with a man. Not all lesbians are butch, just the obvious ones (so guess what, there's more queers out there than you recognize). But you should see my tool collection (keep your minds out of the gutter )

1999 Sportage 4x4...don't go there, it was free ....______o_o .../_l l__\____\ ..|--l l__----[]\|/[] .....................oo =( )_)----( )_)--)_)