Originally posted by rkneeshaw3.0:
...There's no getting around it, homosexuality is dead wrong from the Bible's viewpoint.

There still exists debate around this...

Allow me to throw out my trump card here. It somewhat parallels the argument on "behavior" vs. "choice".

What about hermaphrodites? Where do they fit into God's vision? Are they lumped into the gay category due to a technicality?

Are these people Damned the moment they came out of the womb? Any sexual choice they make doesn't change the fact that that choice could be construed as homosexual behavior...

...or does there exist another category of discrimination that religious zealotry should establish to remove civil rights from them?

I agree that religious marriage should remain sanctified and between a man and a woman, but denying civil unions under Federal or State law to gays is nothing short of putrid, 100% discrimination and hate that cheapens what this nation stands for. I agree that this nation was founded largely on Christian principles, but at the same time, those that founded this nation had their forebearers escaping England in order to avoid a similar sort of religious persecution that exists today. Seperation of Church and State is a double-edged sword that is being FAR too recklessly swung by some on both sides of the argument here.

There MUST be a balance reached on this. While I agree that NO church should be forced to recognize or hold gay marriages and that the definition of marriage should stay as "one woman, one man"; that doesn't mean that this country should wholesale ignore the civil rights of millions of upstanding, tax paying and patriotic US citizens.

At a Federal/State level, this isn't an argument over religion, though the zealots on both sides have ultimately gotten off track and MADE it into one. It's an agrument over basic civil rights that are being DENIED to a portion of our population.

Again, I don't know the answer, but I do know what answers are flat-out WRONG on this.

JaTo e-Tough Guy Missouri City, TX 99 Contour SVT #143/2760 00 Corvette Coupe