Originally posted by Sandman333:
Originally posted by sigma:

See my above reply. Society by and far does not hold that inter-racial marriage goes against any value or moral. It does hold that gay marriage violates same.

Actually, according to Gallup polls, almost the same percentage of people accept homosexual relationships as inter-racial relationships -- approximately 65%.

I'm sure we could find other statistics that prove that the same percentage of people also accept and approve of X and Y.

I really don't know why you made this post, as it is not up to your usual quality. It is completley irrelevant.

I'm sorry, I don't see how it's an irrelevant reply to your statement that society finds gay marriage immoral but doesn't find inter-racial relationships the same. If that was the case, there would be a significant difference between the number of people that accept inter-racial relationships and the number of people that accept homosexual relationships.


He said marriage, not relationship. Could you please post a link to the poll that states 65% of America accepts gay MARRIAGE? I have not seen such numbers...

He said marriage, yes. I never disputed that. But if an activity is immoral it is immoral whether it's a relationship or marriage. I doubt there's a group of people out there that find inter-racial marriage acceptable but not inter-racial relationships.

The percentage of people that accept gay marriage is about 35%. The percentage of people that accept gay civil unions is about 65%.

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