Originally posted by Horse:
Originally posted by Fmr12B:
Originally posted by ZetecNinja:
Originally posted by Fmr12B:
No suprise with the Contour being such a cheap used car that a lot of Latino's drive them.

I don't know whether to laugh at this comment or sit in shock...wow is all I can say.

on another note I'd have to say this is one of the best questions asked in a long time.

Even better than when I asked 'how are people supposed to see with angel eyes in their headlights'

Why you laughin? Its the truth!

And yes I'm not being PC, honest, but no PC.

are YOU latino?

Nope - Whitey here. I do like me some Corona, Carne Asada, and good game of Futbol on Telemundo. Club America fan!

Money doesn't always bring happiness. People with ten million dollars are no happier than people with nine million dollars ~ Hobart Brown