Well. She MAY have passed it up, until you called her "Mushy" again.. lol

I took the dog to the vet.. She's 10 years old, and has begun to chew/scratch herself crazy (causing welps and raw spots all over her)... They gave her Cortizone shots, and pills to give her.. Have you ever tried giving a pill to a dog? They can spit those things incredibly FAR!!!

We bought a set of drums (2 mounted toms, one floor tom, a bass drum, snare/tom combo, high/hat and ride cymbal. Together with my brothers insane guitar skill, I hope that we can sound pretty good together. (He already owns like 4 guitars [Fender Stratus, Fender Squire, Gibson, and an Ibanez] and a big a$$ mixing board that does all these effects, etc... )

The wife is starting to get REALLY tired of being pregnant.. at 8 months today, she has that right, I would believe! (Look for pics in a month or so!!!!!)

What else? Let me think about it for a bit.. someone else tell me what you guys are up to..


'99 CSVT - Silver #222/276 In a constant state of blow-off euphoria.
Originally posted by Kremitthefrog:
I like to wear dresses and use binoculars to watch grandmas across the street.