Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
I don't care how many "artists" have chosen to portray the human body...It doesn't matter to me whether or not my opinion is in the minority or the majority...

If it doesn't matter to you, then what makes you qualified to pass judgement on what is, and is not, art?

What matters is this...

Enlighten me...

God designed the human body to be beautiful. So called "artists" have taken what God created and placed it in different poses on different canvases and created the vast world we call "art." They didn't add anything to it, or take anything away from it. All they did was take credit for creating this so called "art." Art is in the eye of the beholder, obviously. A tin can can mean a whole lot to somebody and be nothing more than a tin can to another.

That is EXACTLY it, in a nut shell. These "so-calleD" artists you refer to may not have added anything to the photo, but it is DEFINITELY in the eye of the beholder. They added essence. You can't just take a photo, or a painting of EXACTLY what is there, and expect it to represent anything other than a captured moment in time. It is the artistic impression that is added that creates a mood, an emotion even, in the photo/painting.


The problem with the "art" you speak of here is that there is no rhyme or reason to it. It is not art.

Again.. I beg to differ.. you just got done saying that you haven't seen these pictures, so what makes you able to pass this judgement on my time and investment? These.. ALL of my pictures... were done with a "rhyme or reason" to them. They all represent something of our lives. Whether I was capturing a sensual moment, or trying to encompass all that it meant to carry our child, I took each and every photo to "mean something", thank you very much.


What if Ray had posted nekkid pics of himself? Would you have been quite as interested in the "art"? I doubt it...

I actually have quite a few pictures of myself, taken by others (not the wife), and done for the EXACT same reasons... capturing the beauty of the human form, regardless of things such as physical deformity, etc (not myself.. just stating that a paraplegic is still as readily beautiful as anyone else, etc.. Pictures of me being considered "art" is JUST as applicable as any pictures of a female form. Art is subjective, and as such is subjected to the scrutiny of whichever eyes are looking upon it.


So, again, I say that "art" is in the eye of the beholder, and as much as you would like to classify "Ray's Pix" as art, I can only classify anything that "sluttifies" the body as pornography.

Once again you haven't seen anything, and I haven't forced you to look at anything that you aren't interested in. I am still confused as to how you can be so all-knowing about matters with which you have obviously not studied, or taken any interest in, personally.

The old saying goes "Garbage in, Garbage out." You fill your mind with smut and soon you get a dirty mouth and mind. No longer are you looking at women as beautiful beings, but rather as objects, that one can obtain in various positions suited to ones liking. When was the last time your head turned at the slightest hint of skin and immediately thought of where that skin lead to? Eh?

I disagree, wholeheartedly. I deal with this on a daily basis, and have been for some 8 years. I fill my mind and heart completely with this matter (as anyone passionate about anything will do), and I would challenge you to find a "dirty mouth and mind" on me. I look at women as a gift from God. They are a creature that captures every moment in time without trying, and are (as such) completely deserving of the utmost repsect and admiration that I, or ANY MALE ON EARTH, can give. You haven't the foggiest idea how I feel about women, nor how I treat each and every one I see (stranger or family alike).


Again, I have not seen "Ray's Pix" and prefer not to

Finally, you are seeing the reality of the matter, and I won't subject you to anything that you don't wish to see. Hell, I can't make ANYONE broaden their horizons..


'99 CSVT - Silver #222/276 In a constant state of blow-off euphoria.
Originally posted by Kremitthefrog:
I like to wear dresses and use binoculars to watch grandmas across the street.