You're getting rather personal, in this and the last lengthy post of yours. I am starting to take offense at the subtle, and not so subtle hints that you seem to feel that my wife is somehow "less of a person" than anyone else, simply because you don't agree with what she partakes in.

I wasn't referring to MY pictures, or HER form in any specific manner.. the ENTIRE post was about ART.. and the subjectivity of the practice itself, and broadening your horizons would be accomplished by strengthing your weaknesses (knowledge of art, or history of the same).

Everyone should strive to strengthen themselves on whatever front it is that they lack in. Car knowledge, history, politics, or (for some) etiquette, are things people research and learn every day. Just because I happen to appreciate this form, and you do not, does not imply that you "must" do anything of the sort with regards to my wife's pictures. It also, no matter what you seem to think, does not give you ANY RIGHT to say ANY of the things that you have said, both in outright words, and through actions, and subtleties.

I would be out of my mind if I didn't let you know that there are certain lines people should not cross, and this is quickly approaching one. Take your appreciation, or lack thereof, of this particular subject, and tell someone else, because everytime you try to voice an "opinion" or a stance, you end up dragging me (or my family), personally, in to it.
I'm done being insulted, both directly, and indirectly.


'99 CSVT - Silver #222/276 In a constant state of blow-off euphoria.
Originally posted by Kremitthefrog:
I like to wear dresses and use binoculars to watch grandmas across the street.