I feel the exact same way, about the build up. It would be hard to look at the pictures in any other way but that. I didn't, and don't, have any intention of posting pornographic pictures of her online. I never said I would, or at least never meant it that way. I only mentioned that I would have to find the more "appropriate" pictures, not that I would have to weed out the irrelevant ones, and post the bad ones.

This whole talk about "private moments", etc. is just that.. talk. I didn't ever bring up anything about posting THOSE pictures. I never said "nekkid" or anything remotely suggestive. Those are mine!!!!

The (ir)relevance of these pictures on this board, and the build up it has received has certainly swayed me from subjecting my wife to the kind of comments that Aaron has made it known he would say. (Moral ruler, and all). To those of you who HAVE seen my work (regardless of whether or not you liked it), and stood up for the style I utilize: thank you.

I certainly think that this topic has had enough mention, and I, for one, am glad to find another who can "envision that which they cannot see." I would be ecstatic to talk photo-tech with you any time!!

I still fail to see how you know plenty about etiquette; I've yet to say that, because you don't like artwork of the human form, you are somehow less of a person than anyone else.. The opposite of that has certainly been made clear on how you feel. I am a dirty mouthed, dirty minded person because I interpret the human form as anything other than disgusting, or demoralizing. Duly noted. Stating things like, "filling your mind with smut", "Garbage in, Garbage out", "they are nothing but a private moment shared between he and his wife that he is now demoralizing others with.", and my personal favorite, "I don't understand why anybody would even PRETEND to post slutty pictures of his/her spouse." I fail to see where you were NOT personal about this. You, as someone who admittedly states you don't see the hoopla in this artistic method, pass judgement; not only on ME/my wife(for doing this in the first place), but also on work that I have invested a good deal of time, effort, money, and heart in to. It is art. That is the smallest sentence I can state.. It.. is... art. Whether you like it, think its repulsive, or just don't get it, it is still art.

As an end: I have nothing PERSONAL against you, and would gladly continue to exchange any posts, or information (meets, tips, tech, politics, etc) with you. I, unlike many other people who joined recently(we won't name names, but we all know who they are... the "ceg misfits") know how to let things go, and try not to let anything fester, or remain. You've got your views, and I've got mine. Water under the bridge as I see it. Now you know where I stand, as well. (Did you think I wouldn't post?? jeez.. LOL)


'99 CSVT - Silver #222/276 In a constant state of blow-off euphoria.
Originally posted by Kremitthefrog:
I like to wear dresses and use binoculars to watch grandmas across the street.