Originally posted by Ray:
another benefit:

You can start spewing random statistical analysis of any event that someone is talking about, and everyone will believe you, just because you "look smart"....

One con, though: You now suck at dancing, basketball, baseball, football, and golf, but you RULE at hockey!!!
That and you'll have to TRULY up your "Game" because your tried and true "deal-sealer" monster is now a "not-so-grand" kind of thing. Charisma and charm are now things you HAVE to rely on, instead of laugh at.


This description already fits me except the hockey thing....... maybe b/c my dad is half white?

Originally posted by infuryum:

I think Ray was referring to the fact that you associated yourself with SE CEG... not SC.

Does this mean that I am the only black guy in SE????

I don't "mod" I just fix what breaks! 98 CSVT #2527 T-Red (Limping) 98 CSVT #2228 T-Red (Donor) 98 SE Sport ATX V6 (Running again) If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me!