Originally posted by scottd60:
Not to be a pain but is there an option for buying the complete set (Gauges, HVAC, HL Panel)? If not who do we contact to ask about this as I said before I would be glad to talk to them if you don't have the time or the interest. There are currently 10 people wanting all 3. You would think that we could get a break for buying the completes 3-piece package?

Gauges,HVAC,and Light Switch:

1) Rawburt (complete set)
2) really BIG fuzzy (complete set)
3) wa2tuff (complete set)
4) mygameisplatnum (complete set)
5) Threat (complete set)
6) Swazo (complete set)
7) scottd60 (complete set)
8) AkSvt00 (complete set)
9) SHOgoFast (complete set)
10)99svtContourMan (complete set)

I am ready to order but this just seems more confusing then it need to be with all the combo but the one that should be available.

I honestly don't think they're are going to give us any more of a break. If you want to try, go ahead. I've been bugging the hell out of them almost on a daily basis about one thing or another and they have been very cool about it. I really don't want to call and bug them about haggling over a few bucks.

"...first he's gonna s*!t, then he's gonna kill us." 1999 Contour SVT Retrojunk.com