I wasn't able to slip the gauges over the tach or speedo needles. I just got the RPM needle to what I thought was right and adjusted on the car (set at what should be correct idle and see if it shifts around redline). Then I paced someone at 35 and placed needle on speedo (didn't press hard enuff so it's sorta bouncy when bass hits, but it doesn't change accuracy). We then checked at around ~60 if it was correct with that same car and another. The dealer I contacted (good dealer) said (and the guy replied at 12:15am, I had sent the email at midnite) that he couldn't do anything as far as calibration goes, but gave me contact info for a company that might could. I posted the info a long time ago, and don't have it stored in my emails or I'd post it again.

98.5 SVT 91 Escort GT (almost sold) 96 ATX Zetec (i brake to watch you swerve) FS: SVT rear sway bar WTB: Very cheap beater CEG Dragon Run - October 13-15