Originally posted by wa2tuff:
Well Dan, no lights again today. I'm not going to get into how I feel right now, suffice to say, it's a good thing I don't live in California. Your time is up, I'm going to get in touch with the authorities. I don't have to go to work on Monday until late, I'll be takin care of business Monday morning. That gives you 2 more days, after that, I'm gonna do all I can to put your (censored) in a sling.

Well Dan, it seems the USPS has decided to save your sorry ass. I got the lights today, freakin FINALLY, it's been 3 months since I sent my lights. I'm grateful that I finally got them back and so far, they seem to be alright. I must admit that they do look good, too. Course after 3 months, they better look good. I still can't believe you sent them regular parcel post---as cheap as you can get away with. After all you put us through, you pick the cheapest and slowest method of shipping you can.....you are such a ----head. Unbelieveable. As far as other people wanting you to do their lights for them, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm glad to be done with you.

However, there's at least 2 more people you have to deal with. You still own mygameisplatnum and IWishIHadASVT. We're all sticking together on this and if you think for one minute you're getting away with this, you are very mistaken. We all have all the PM's and receipts for payments made. It would appear that your time is rapidly running out. Do what you've been paid to do...if not, phones are gonna be ringing. (Including where you work.)

You could have gone without all this drama by simply keeping the lines of communication open, being truthful with us, and not trying to do too much at one time. You have no sense of responsibility whatsoever. Blaming others for your own shortcomings is not the way to become a man. You need to grow up and stop screwing people around you. You may be a real nice guy, but you sure as hell didn't prove it by me or the others you sucked in. (BTW, I bet there are people in your family that would like to know how much we really paid you.)

Last edited by wa2tuff; 05/14/05 04:30 PM.

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics