u guys should have a new rule on this website:
1:Bann all new posters.
2:Stop time slips from being put on here.
3:If you dont call BS on someone u get banned.

Most of u on here are ass holes, first of all, thats not my first manual car, second i can probobly drive better then most of u that cant get ur stock SVT into low 15's, third say what u want i still did 15.5 with my STOCK SE with 2.5 60', everthing that i posted on here is true and even if i had the video im sure u guys would make up some lame excuse. I came here to learn about contours and share with u guys, now if u cant handel that and call [censored] on everthing I say, just tell me ill leave this website and never come back, or just BANN me like some "smart" people suggested on here. AND NO IM NOT RETARDED TO MESS UP LANES! AND THAT WAS MY FRIENDS 1.6l CRX WITH ONLY INTAKE/EXHAUST/WIRES THAT DID 16.3 ON THAT RUN. My car is fast i cant help u guys, well maybe i can bring soem money down here and pay me to teach soem of u to drive ur cars, and bring money so u can bet me that i can chirp tires while going into 3rd gear... u guys are realy experts at CONTOURS, i can realy see that..