Yeah, I was burnin' all over the mountains with Roger & his Crossfire. Nice car really, and Roger is definately quite the car enthusiast. I was bummed we didn't meet up with more CEGers, but we kinda just 'went' with no real plan for meeting up. We'll fix that next year, I hope.

We did get to meet up with Eric & Michelle at the dam overlook. It was great to see the newlyweds again, but I really wish we had more time to spend socializing. I'd like to see the Dragon Run participants plan one spot for lunch/dinner next time 'round so we can actually look like a group & meet more people.

We had lots of fun talking to Rogers dad as Roger went lurking over with the other cars in the area. Seeing that many NSXs in one place really had him going! Roger & Roger, it was great to meet both of you.

The whole thing has got me looking forward to next year & I already have plans for spending more time up there. There's lots more to see than just the Dragon & Skyway. The falls run was a real adventure & I was so involved in everything that I got very few pictures. No callendar for me this year.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.