It was nice meeting Jim and his wife, nice people, real people I thought we passed our group, but why didn't you guys turn around when you saw us, we stopped at the next stop and waited a good long while Either way, we had another GREAT time running the Dragon, especially this year because I ran it an extra day! A meeting spot next year is a MUST I think what we need to do is set this run up even earlier, like in the spring. This way the "ball gets rollin'" earlier. I even hope to get atleast ONE SE MI CEG-er to make the trip other than myself. NO wait, I AM GOING TO GET ATLEAST ONE SE MI CEG-ER to make it. I'm sure Hec"tour" is going to make it, no doubt about it! As far as the pics go, well I took about 150 and then weeded that down to about 120, but they're not loading into clubphoto right now, so I sent them an email. I wanna post these pics because I took alot of cool "non car photos". When I do post them, they'll be over in pics and video ASAP Once again, thanks to Jim and his wife for making the FIFTEEN HOUR drive to the Dragon, makes my nine hour drive look like a trip to the store , pure enthusists IMO!

"THEE" Roger R 2005 Crossfire Limited coupe' -FOR SALE @buyout price & I'll... -throw in my 93' Regal as winter car *Dragon Run 06'...Oct 12-15th* Puur-fection Auto Detailing Complete packages from $140.00