Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Sounds like a very expensive week(end) to me. Say you have 4, 200mile trips. With most people running premium fuel, and an average of 300-350 miles to a tank on the highway, you're spending close to $60.00 just in gas for the trips from one city to another. Then factor in the hotel costs and how difficult it'd be to block off X-amount of rooms each night. Like Kim said, a lot people are already driving 600+ miles, and don't want to feel trapped in their car the whole time their trying to enjoy the event. I believe that one solid location with accomodating events in that one city works the best. I wouldn't mind setting something up with the SHO crowd. But like last year when we attempted to hook up with the Cougar community, they already had an event(Cougarfest) down in Indianapolis the following month. I really think that in order to have a decent turnout, we need to keep costs to an absolute minimum, and provide as much as we can for what we pay. It was hard enough getting people to go to Spring Zing 04 with the $80.00 charge.


......i was remembered that just as i posted it..to bad i'd like to see some SHO'S..cougars can get a little ricey at times...

"Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but STUPID lasts forever."-Aristophanes. --93 pgt,headers,intake,borla=14.9 1/4mile