The trouble with location is that you'll never find a place where everyone will be happy. It also depends on the people who are doing the organization. Trust me, it's HARD to set up a convention if you don't have anyone in the area willing to help out.

As for departing on Sunday... with a one lap SZ perhaps we could keep the banquet on Saturday and have the Detroit area be our last stop? Then sunday would just be the autoX and people could head out after it's over. That would make Saturday a very busy day unless we rearranged some things, but still doable IMO.

I also agree about not taking it too big. I always thought the SHO & Contour crowds were pretty similar; good performing Ford sedans that got the shaft SZ as always been a Contour event, even when we were campaigning real hard for the SHO crowd in SZ01 and 02, and I think it should remain as the national Contour meet. Jazz it up with some SHOs and unofficial word of mouth invites, but keep it a Contour thing.

Last edited by Huntervf; 07/30/05 07:53 PM.

-Chris 93 ATX SHO Ultra Red Evil ATX clone to Todras 91 SHO plus black/black, work in progress