I commute 55 miles/day three times a week for school. That's 55 miles total per day.

Each "cycle", each commute takes up one quarter tank.

Let's see... 14.5 gallons/4=3.625 gallons in one quarter tank.

It takes me a total of 3 minutes for the commute (time on road). Let's see. 3.625 gallons/0.5 hours=3.625x2=7.25 gallons per hour. I have flown airplanes with better mileage! A small plane (i.e. Cessna 172) uses approximately the same amount of gas, give or take, as a Ford Expedition. It sounds about right, considering that, on average, general aviation air distances are 15% shorter than road distances.

Let's go back. 55 miles/3.625 gallons=15.172413793103448275862068965517 miles/gallon.

Roughly 15 miles per gallon. And that's on the highway!

I really need to get a new car.


Is my car for sale? PM me if you're in South FL.
Originally posted by XKontour98:
Haha that's awesome! Go GM!

YES, SIR!!! General Aviation is Looking good right now...http://www.beapilot.com