
well you ever heard about maintenance....maybe you need a tune up or a fuel filter change or even a manifold cleaning?????

instead of whining about this contour you seem to hate so much(since about 90% of the posts i've seen you post on here have said this)you act like someone held a gun to your head and made you buy this contour you hate so much,i say if you hate it so much sell it and buy something else

Heh, it does sound like that. I usually DO harp on either the problems with my car, or on the wonders of aviation.

Well, let's see. I'm a pilot. Pilots are not airplane mechanics, even though we check the aircraft systems thoroughly before every flight. Again, we are not airplane mechanics. We are NOT LICENSED to do such maintenance. If a screw comes off, well, yeah. We'll fix that. When the plane needs oil, we'll put that in. We'll even remove the oil, remove the oil filter, cut the cap off, screen it, and check for metal particles! But, as for reassembling everything, it needs to be logged by a LICENSE AIRCRAFT MECHANIC.

When they say something is AEROSPACE GRADE, it means that something is so reliable that it can be used in aerospace. It is proven safe, and redundant to the point where you will experience carefree operation, between TBOs.

I am a pilot. I do the work of a pilot with everything I do. I'll even use my E6-B flight computer for fuel calculations IN MY CAR! That's how much an aviator I am.

When you're broke as hell, you can't do much, can you? It took me a week to pick up a new vss for the car.

Just remember it this way. I'm ending this possible argument on a possibly light note.

"Pilots are people with a special air about them". To some, such as yourself, you may find us odd, quirky, or sometimes, just plain out annoying. So I use an aviation scanner instead of my car radio sometimes. So what? I am merely bringing out possible problems that some other drivers may come to have in the future.

Another cliche in aviation is "Never make the same mistake more than once. If you have to make a mistake, make it a new one." People learn from others. Pilots learn from other pilots' mistakes. That's why NTSB finding on air crashes are distributed freely and easily for all pilots to research. For what? TO BETTER THEIR FLYING!

Yes, I know that flying a plane is a world away from owning a defective car with readily available resources to make it fit the owner like a glove. But, a world is a world after all. At least there's one commonality.

It may sound to you as an utter refusal to actually get my hands dirty with the car. I'm not saying that.

ALL I AM SAYING is that I will only do things that are within my scope of ability. Remember. I traded auto shop for flight training in high school. I am going to college to become a professional pilot. NOT to turn wrenches as a grease monkey. (My dad retired from being an auto mechanic for the same reason). I am more than wiling to keep my car as fit as an airplane. BUT ONLY AS LONG AS I HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO SO.

Besides. You're going off topic. I get 15 miles to the gallon ON AVERAGE. That an AVERAGE between street driving and highway driving. And no, I don't punch the throttle. I keep my accelerations AT OR BELOW 2500 rpm.

Is my car for sale? PM me if you're in South FL.
Originally posted by XKontour98:
Haha that's awesome! Go GM!

YES, SIR!!! General Aviation is Looking good right now...http://www.beapilot.com