I repeat: DO NOT use friction modifier.

I just called a ford service technician and had him verify with his documenation a couple things:

1. Friction modifier was NEVER recommended in any ford documentation for the MTX-75.

2. The Ford Friction modifier XL-3 and XL-7 both REDUCE friction. It makes the lube MORE slippery! This is contrary to popular beleif on these boards! Friction modifier may make your shifts smoother, but it is NOT going to make your synchros bite better, or live longer if it makes everything more slippery.

Now for the kicker:

As of the last 48 hours, Ford sent notice to dealerships NOT to sell friction modifier at all, anymore. There is no replacement product, it is to be disposed of, "it is not neccary for anything anymore".

I gathered this data directly from a Ford service technician at a local dealership over the course of a 30 minute phone call.

I suggest the FAQ's be updated and the how-to's edited to reflect this data.