Originally posted by morbid:
Ok... I would guess that the darkness and smell of the MTL is ONLY from failing/failed tranny and/or differential. I've changed my MTL 2 times (about 10,000-12,000 miles apart) and each time it looked almost like new -- no smell, cherry red, and no metal flakes. I just changed out the MTL for a 3rd time about 2 weeks ago. My diff began failing yesterday and I drained it when I got home. It stank like hypoid, was dark brown/red... and was filled with metal flakes (looked like a ricer paint job). The drain plug was even gouged and scraped

And another MTL user bites the dust. Anymore? Why are you changing it so often. Must have $ to throw around on $10 a qt gear lube. As stated a million times. Of course it will look good coming out. The sludge isn't going to pour out in it! This is getting so old hat it isn't funny. The only reason this thread is still going is because 2 respected members know everything. What about one "disrespected" member with the means/education to tell you what not to use? Guess that means nothing even though all the evidence backs his claims and more comes to light as this thread grows. He builds most of the performance tranny's on here. Haven't heard of any of them failing either. Why no one listens to him when he tells you what's going on with the ones running MTL is way beyond me. He shows documented pics, spends $200 on independent lab tests and communicates with experts/engineers in the chemical engineering field gathering their take on the issues. I missed where others are doing that.

-'96 SE MTX 3L -'98 SVT 1,173 of 6,535 -'05 Mazda 6s, loaded, g/f's ride -Need a 96-00 manual on CD? PM or email me