Originally posted by todras:
The EP additives used in the WSD-M2C200-C series are
developed from ATF packages (zinc/sulfur) and provide
good EP performance without causing this problem.


Never use GL5 as you can
only achieve this level with sulfur/phosphorus EP


Originally posted by todras:
Did it have a black residue when you opened it up after running MTL? Have you actually seen the inside of it?

Obvious you don't actually read any of my posts very well. I've stated several times that neither I nor Tom had any residue from the MTL.

My MTX-75 had MTL in it (over 1.5 years old) when I tore it apart during the 3L/LSD project. Again something I've stated a few times in this thread alone.

Should I bold face that for you this time?

Now stop going off on a tangent by saying that Ford Honey is good so therefore MTL is bad. There is no logic there. There also is no proof that MTL is bad and significant proof it's better then any form of ATF.
If anything this should be a thread stating not to use ATF and especially ATF with LSD additive. (i.e "cocktail" ) Which btw is still being recommended???

2000 SVT #674 13.47 @ 102 - All Motor! It was not broke; Yet I fixed it anyway.